Ценность ИТ для бизнеса
McKinsey: Moving IT infrastructure labor offshore

McKinsey: Moving IT infrastructure labor offshore

Статья в McKinsey Quarterly (требует регистрации) описывает новый тренд в ИТ-аутсорсинге: после прикладной разработки и бизнес-процессов на очереди собственно ИТ-инфраструктура.
Среди основных преимуществ, как обычно, упоминвется сокращение расходов, т.к. до половины ИТ персонала обычно занимается как раз поддержкой инфраструктуры.
Leading-edge companies that began moving labor to India two to three years ago have already achieved savings of as much as 60 percent
Куда аутсорсить, тоже вопросов не вызывает. Россия даже не упоминается.

Labor skills and costs vary by region. Singapore, given its political stability, advanced skills, pervasive use of English, robust infrastructure, and (for many IT organizations) existing footprint, is the least risky labor-offshoring option. Singapore’s labor costs are several times India’s, however, and with a population of only four million its labor market is shallow.

India (followed by Eastern Europe, Malaysia, and possibly China) is on the rise as an offshore provider of infrastructure services. While infrastructure offshoring is still relatively new to India, it has vast amounts of low-cost, English-speaking labor in almost every infrastructure area except mainframes. As labor costs rise there, however, many IT organizations will look to Malaysia as an alternative source of English-speaking infrastructure labor or to several Eastern European countries that can provide support in French and German. Although China is not a realistic option for companies that need English-language support, several IT organizations are looking at the region around the Chinese city of Dalian as a location for Japanese infrastructure operations.

Собственно при планировании переноса рекомендуется подумать над следующим:

  • Выбор места
  • Вынос части собственного подразделения (captive) или полный аутсорсинг у внешнего поставщика
  • Планирование стадий и приоритетов переноса
  • Удаленное управление и мониторинг
  • Изменение бизнес-процессов и ролей сотрудников
  • Обучение и передача знаний

Отдельно отмечаются сложности в организации управления новой структурой.

The real-time nature of IT infrastructure means that it can’t be governed in the same way as the offshoring of application development. Companies must clearly determine who has the authority to resolve conflicts and processes, since engineers and managers may have to react in minutes rather than hours or days. In addition, it’s common to have employees with similar titles and tasks sitting in a number of locations—a recipe for confusion unless roles and responsibilities are plainly defined. In view of these greater risks, it would be a mistake to leave the details of governance to data center managers. CIOs and senior business executives must take a direct interest in setting up the proper governance, for the success of the venture will depend on it.

Думаю, что те же принципы окажутся разумными и для наших компаний, планирующих любой аутсорсинг в России.

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